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Better search engine for using the general search tab in the import list

The search engine used for the import list is greatly flawed. It should be able to search the entire catalog with anything in the search criteria - but currently, it can only search specific orders of words/punctuation. For example, the item "Codex: Grey Knights (Hb)" cannot be searched on the import page with the search criteria of "codex grey knights". You should be able to type in any number of words, and locate items with those words, in any order, with/without punctuation. This would make finding things in the catalog for import SO much easier, and would likely reduce the workload of techs on chat, and the people in Catalog. It would also help reduce the amount of duplicate entries that are happening pretty regularly, thus increasing the amount of items in the catalog overall.

  • Jessica LaDuron
  • Aug 12 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 12, 2018 16:08

    Holy hell, yes!