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Creating site pages for website's Buylist Mode

It would allow site pages that include any buylist info, processes, etc. to easily access those parts of the website. For example, if you were to create a site page that is describing buylist processes, it currently would only be in store mode. So none of what the page was describing would be accessible to the customer, and the search bar wouldn't be searching the buylist. Having the customer be able to access and search the buylist while also reading info on the buylist would make it less confusing on the customer.

Having an option when creating a new site page that allows you to select "Store Mode" or "Buylist Mode", or having a different section under Site Pages for "Buylist Mode pages" would be amazing. The pages would work the same as current site pages, but they would just make the website be in Buylist mode instead of Store mode.

  • Heath Newton
  • Aug 18 2022
  • Attach files