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[P] E-mail alerts for in store pick up orders.

Currently the only way to know if someone has submitted an order for in store pick up is to manually go through the orders screen. Even if done often orders can still be missed. It's very awkward telling customers we have no good way of knowing they placed a pick up order. If there was a way to get e-mail alerts on these orders it would almost completely eliminate the problem.

  • Guest
  • Jun 28 2017
  • Attach files
  • Wild Things Games commented
    July 30, 2017 01:36

    There is the option already:

    Account -> Notification -> Enable Order Notifications

    On our system it sends emails for all orders (IE: direct/eBay/TCG/etc) and I know of no way to only have it send for in store pickups, but you can simply delete the other emails, or filter with body keywords to only receive the in store emails to your inbox.

    Hope This Helps,

    Wild Things Games