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[P] inventory reorder levels

We need a way to set reorder levels so the system will warn us when we go below that level for items.  similkar to setting the buy list thresholds.  square and other pos systems, for example, will give a daily low stock report.

  • Guest
  • Aug 20 2017
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  • Guest commented
    January 05, 2019 17:45

    most POS will alert when stock levels get low.  the problem with trying to do reports is having time to add one more report to the list of things that need done.  also that would print every card that is not at opt qty so I'd get thousands of items in a report where I just want 3 boardgames.  opt qty lets my staff know if we need a card or not when people want to sell cards.  it also tosses things into the buylist.  I want to make sure I have 4 catans in stock when I order but don't want to reorder until I get to 1 so my opt quantity is 4 but reorder level is 1.  basically they need a min/max dual setting is all.  then when I get to 1 it prompts me to order 3.  free square does this easily.

  • Guest commented
    August 27, 2017 18:15

    could one not use the buylist system for just this.

    set opt qty to your required inventory level, and do a report at ordering time.