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Make it so we can add orders together to make one order

I regularly have customers who place orders online and then have a second thought and place 1 or 2 or more orders.  I then have to take all of their orders and cancel them one by one as I ring all of the cards they ordered in together to make one order.  It doesn't sound like a lot, until they are massive orders of single magic cards.

  • Guest
  • Oct 21 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 10, 2019 23:19

    This feature may not have been implemented in 2017, but.... 

    You can bring an order to the POS by selecting "find order"from the menu at the bottom right of the POS.   As long as the order is in the "Awaiting Payment" status (and was never in the completed or void status), it should come to the POS, and you can add or modify it from there as if it was a POS sale.  

    Discovering this feature was a real moment for us, it made so many things easier.