There are several that are years old. They should either go away after a certain time (nice if we could set) or after the item is replenished (ideally both). I have students as customers who have graduated and moved away years ago but their wish list lives on.
It doesn't really provide accurate or actionable information if a "filled" wish is not acted upon or cleared. Should be set so that once that notification email is sent, it clears out the wish. I would "like" to order merchandise based upon wishes, but only if those are "real". A notification that wishes have been entered also would be a nice feature. This is really one of the underused and underserved features on the cc platform right now--some of my customers think that it we are ordering them product because they push a wish, others are just messing around wishing they could buy something. A clear set of user/admin controls would make this a valuable tool for interacting with customers rather than the frustration button it is now. No information=no action; equally, no control=no action. No action=pointless.
Additional ideas:
-Add a wishlisted item to a customer account right from the POS
-Once stock is added to a wishlisted item, remove it from the wishlist or provide the option to do so
additional wishlist improvements requested :
-Ability to re-order items by category (this could tie into the new purchase order feature to restock you items)
-Ability to see the number of items actually in stock on the wishlist
-the link provided to the item links directly to the item itself
-ability to export the wishlist to Excel or CSV
Agreed. Or if old ones can't be cleared, the date a wishlist item is requested would be very helpful. Just any way to know what's current.