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Implementing 3rd party incentives/rewards/gift cards programs

I have been looking at hiring Loyalty Gator which is an incentives program based out of Canada to handle gift cards.  The research I have done with gift cards would increase store revenue.  Most people don't want to leave any amount on gift cards, thus spending over the limit of the card and paying cash for the rest of the purchase.  Also people that purchase gift cards give cash up front to give as a gift. 


For the loyalty program, Loyalty Gator has a cross platform software that can be integrated via API into many POS and also card readers. Loyalty Gator has an option for small business such as myself and on a large scale.


What I would like to see from Crystal Commerce is an ready to go API that will work with gift cards and other 3rd party software such as Loyalty Gator.

  • Daniel Willerick
  • Jun 28 2018
  • Planned
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