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Dynamic pricing system

HAve a price modifier system that has different buttons that each individual user can choose to toggle to automate adjusting prices.

If product has not sold within the past {X} days, decrease sell price by {X%} or {$X}.

If product has sold more than {X} copies in the past {X} time period, increase sell price by  {X%} or {$X}.
If product is out of stock for more than {X} days, increase buy price and sell price by  {X%} or {$X}.

Have a floor and ceiling built in, product sell or buy price cannot drop below {X% of base price} or {$X}, product sell price or buy price cannot raise over  {X% of base price} or {$X}.


I have brought th8is up to Dan before, and was basically told that some people would not be able to properly use this, because they would not understand it.  
To remedy that, have a single button to activate dynamic pricing system, with a popup disclaimer similar to the batch update disclaimer.

  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 07, 2020 18:26

    This is  great idea, as long as the parameters are all set by the individual user, not a generic set of rules created by a vote or by TCG.  Another user has posted that he wants CoG to be the floor, then maybe we set a selectable option for the minimum price to check against, and have CoG be one of the selections.
    Any options for a dynamic pricing system need to be just that, DYNAMIC, if CC chooses why or how it is to be implemented for individual businesses, that defeats the purpose of having this.

  • Guest commented
    October 16, 2018 04:02

    With the caveat that I would like a floor based on Cost of Goods. That way even if we batch update to keep up with singles fluctuations you can avoid losing money on cards.