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[P] An option for "tax rate charged" on different products (for countries like Canada)

In British Columbia, PST (provincial sales tax) isn’t charged on books. (Different tax rate).  Maybe in the inventory, add a checkbox to say “PST exempt”.  Allowing Canadian clients to apply tax exemptions for the various taxes to specific products (or categories).  The difference in HST, PST and GST is as follows:  Many provinces charge HST only (Harmonized Sales Tax).  Some provinces don't like everything being lumped into one tax and so instead they charge PST and GST.  Here in BC, we charge PST and GST.  PST exemptions exist on a number of goods - like books.

  • Guest
  • Jun 6 2017
  • Planned
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  • Remi VL commented
    January 29, 2022 15:12

    I've brought this up to them many times. Makes no sense that this isn't' available to us yet. We end up having to send a refund back to every customer who buys a book and we end up looking like an unprofessional establishment who doesn't know what they're doing.

    In NB here.

  • Guest commented
    July 22, 2020 18:28

    Note: all 5 of the HST provinces have their point of sale rebates on books for the provincial portion of HST. It may be useful to break HST into HST-Province and put the federal portion in GST, so the table would read: GST PST HST-Province Total and all provinces would have GST of 5%. Then have 2 seperate checkboxes for tax exemption, one that reads "GST Exempt" and one that says "PST/HST-Province Exempt"

  • Guest commented
    June 25, 2018 20:27

    We're a Canadian company and we're very interested in reporting our sales accurately. This idea needs to be addressed soon.

  • Guest commented
    January 11, 2018 19:52

    This idea was submitted 6 months ago. Is there an update on this?

  • Guest commented
    September 19, 2017 00:05

    Additionally to this, possible for Admin 2.0, the Canadian Tax table.

    Allow clients to enter the tax rate depending on their status/country. (i.e. Canadian table), instead of having the Canadian table being fix values that can only modified via backend intervention.

  • Guest commented
    June 21, 2017 18:23

    Thanks for submitting this idea, Edmund.  It is very likely that BC isn't the only Canadian province that exempts PST for certain products.


    Additionally, any store located in one of Canada's 3 territories (Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories) likely won't have PST at all.