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[P] Wishlist data export

I'm trying to see the changes in wishlisted items from day to day so I can do a quick check or re-order or increase buylist price for items that a customer just added to their wishlist. To do this I want a downloadable report of the wishlist data. With the data I can see from Advertising>Wishlist I have written a program to check for newly wishlisted items and changes in wishlist quantity for existing items. (I'm currently doing this with copy/paste, but 5-10% of the wishlisted items randomly get lost each time during this process so it's mostly false positives.)

An even better export would include customer and timestamp data. 

The best thing would be making this an included feature either by allowing sort-by-timestamp in the wishlist or even adding changes to wishlist in the dashboard.

  • Guest
  • Aug 2 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files