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Provide a way to run a search of a group of items and display ALL tags associated with those items (exportable to csv too).

Our store tags every item with the supplier who we buy that item from. We use those tags when we need to place orders. We do a search for everything with the "Universal" tag (for example) which is currently at or below a QTY of 2 and then make our order according to that data.

However, many employees forget to add tags when importing a new item from CC, or they misspell tags, or they add the wrong tag... and we only ever discover that later on somewhat randomly. It would be really helpful if we could run a search of all our products (or even a category) and print a csv of that search with a field that would show all tags attached to those products.

  • Guest
  • Sep 8 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Lesley Winfield commented
    March 07, 2018 17:53

    Ultimately, I'm not sure why everything attached to the records isn't part of the .csv file. If you don't need a column, it's easy to delete. When we export items to a CSV just export everything attached to that item weather it be color, type, mana cost, in the case of cards, or user created items like ISBN, Genre, or even location in store if you've chosen to make that a field.