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Make coupon reports show what coupons were used.

Currently, the coupon report only gives a list of order IDs and how much the coupon discount was on those orders. It doesn't say what coupon was used on each order, though. To make it better for tracking what kinds of coupons are used the most/least, it should also include columns for the coupon code and coupon description.

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  • Dec 19 2017
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  • Guest commented
    February 01, 2018 17:44

    I quite often do store credit coupones and there is no way to run a report to see what the orders and totals is. I can claim this credit on taxes so now have to go in and manually tabulate each one. 


    Also there should be a report on the restock for the trade in with bonus amount..... again I have to do this manually wasting hours of my time.