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Order products in alphabetical order (and to ignore other characters such as quotation marks, etc)


The system will order items in alphabetical order based off of the ASCII search order.

There are however sometimes when we would prefer things such as quotation marks to be ignored, for example: Yugioh - Rise of the Duelist

in the above link, you'll see that the cards are in alphabetical order.

But when you order the items on other websites, like this

You'll see cards beginning with "" come first, according to the ASCII Search order.

Expected Result:
Would like the ordering of cards to take into account the name of the card, minus things such as quotation marks.

  • Guest
  • Aug 1 2020
  • Attach files
  • Tommy Cottin commented
    April 06, 2021 22:57

    I would want this as an optional setting, with a checkbox.