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[P] Improve the Wishlist

We need to have a more robust wishlist, where customers can input the amounts they want, not only a "wishlist? yes/no".

There also needs to be a button to clear the Wishlist, either on our end or the customers end, this has been requested by some customers.

And the most important, if a customer buys a certain card, it need to be automatically deleted from his wishlist.

  • Guest
  • Jun 27 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 18, 2017 00:28

    One of my biggest issue is with the wishlist is you cannot have a reserved qty. Currently if you have a reserved qty of 1 and someone puts a wishlist for a card you get in stock, they go online to your store and it's not there even if you have one.