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[P] Add descriptors to Export to .csv option

I tried to create a category that is extremely similar to an existing one. So instead of entering everything by hand, I figured I would export the existing one, then Mass Import it under a different category name.

The issue is that descriptors are not exported. So I had to spend hours copy/pasting them from one category to the other. Having those exported would have reduced that job to mere minutes.


  • Guest
  • Jul 11 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Lesley Winfield commented
    March 07, 2018 17:53

    Further to this, I'm happy to see that it's planned, and I'd like to know when. 

    Anyway, Ultimately, I'm not sure why everything attached to the records isn't part of the .csv file. If you don't need a column, it's easy to delete. When we export items to a CSV just export everything attached to that item weather it be color, type, mana cost, in the case of cards, or user created items like ISBN, Genre, or even location in store if you've chosen to make that a field. 

  • Lesley Winfield commented
    November 01, 2017 18:07

    Yes Please! The amount of time it takes to change a category for an item is crazy. It's fine for one item, but if you have to change 1000 items or 10,000 in our case. It just makes me want to cry. This should be an easy batch update addition.