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Having a "Ready for Pick Up" option for Order Status updates

When preparing orders, we print out orders in "Payment Received", then send them to "Processing". When they're complete, we send them to "Shipped".

Where this starts causing problems is if a product is a Pre-Order or a delayed pick up, having the item placed in the "Shipped" category leaves a lot of openings where there can be uncertainty about the client having received the products or not.

  • Jean-Philippe Patry-Mayette
  • May 25 2023
  • Attach files
  • Jean-Philippe Patry-Mayette commented
    May 25, 2023 01:51

    (Cont.) Having a "ready for pickup" status would reduce these issues substantially. Once the client comes to pick up the order, we can change it to the "shipped" status and use that information to confirm that the client has received their order.