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Invoice/Pullsheet sort by TCGPlayer/RI

Crystal's Invoices and Pullsheets currently default sort by Set, alphabetically.
I would like to see an option for them to sort in the order used by TCGPlayer (Essentially reverse-chronological, with "special" sets at the end. Available here:
We have recently, like many others, re-organized our physical inventory to reflect this in order to increase efficiency when pulling our RI from TCG.
I know that there is *some* versatility with organization when printing a Pull Sheet, but 1. an option does not exist to reflect the Set Order that TCGPlayer uses, and 2. having this functionality for Invoices specifically would be helpful, as we often just pull a single order off an invoice placed by an in-store customer without using a pullsheet.
This Sorting versatility per the Invoices would be a great help for our efficiency, and I think many other orgs as well.

  • Dakota Clark
  • Oct 11 2023
  • Attach files
  • Dakota Clark commented
    October 19, 2023 05:36

    I've recently learned with the help of Paul that we can achieve this by sorting our "Tree" in the category menu in the order we want and then selecting to sort by Tree instead of by Name in the "print" settings for a PullSheet. Perhaps would be nice to have this option be automatic, but it's been easy enough for me to manually organize our Tree in the back-end to our desired organization for now. Thanks!