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Filters for searching the admin

It would be helpful if we could easily search certain things in the admin. For example, items without a market value. Recently, the Pokemon singles had a problem where they were getting super high market values, and the devlopers (or whoever) ended up removing the market values all together as a fix. Well, it's nearly impossible to find the cards that were affected. I can filter by the sale price of any given card, but invariably, there are cards with legitimately high values - so I can't batch update to fix them. In this scenario, I had to manually change the prices of about 200 cards.

In this same vein, being able to more easily search for cards that are NOT at a specific market value would be both helpful to me, and helpful to you all. For example, if I could just search for all Magic cards that have a greater deviance from the low market value than about .50c, that would GREATLY reduce the amount of cards I'm batch updating. Or even being able to search cards that are NOT equal to the market value... that alone would greatly reduce the amount of cards being batch updated. Similar to how you can batch update Amazon listings - you are able to search by what is *not* listed. If we could search the admin more specifically for cards, the batch update queue would not be so heavy with traffic and the batch updates would be soooo much faster.

  • Jessica LaDuron
  • Aug 5 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files