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More sort options for pullsheets

I would appreciate if there was more control over sorting options for pullsheets. Currently, sets are either listed completely alphabetically or are sorted into their trees, and there's no way to change pullsheets to match the format shown on tcgplayer's RI's. Having more control on pullsheet order would also allow stores to keep their inventories how they currently have them, and not require sweeping changes.

  • Guest
  • Sep 5 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Lesley Winfield commented
    September 22, 2017 21:32

    I would also like the abilities to show more information on the pull sheet. For example, some of our binders are sorted by colour, not alphabetically. If I know the card, it's easy, but not all the staff know every single card so we end up having to look up the colour for each item on the pull sheet. It's very time consuming. 

  • Paul Martin commented
    September 22, 2017 21:04

    Also, with sorting the categories by name, it can be problematic currently if you carry multiple product lines, e.g. Yugioh and Magic. Even if you have your cards sorted by set alphabetically, you still are going to keep Magic and Yugioh in their own sections. Sorting alphabetically should still keep the categories grouped by parent, and organized under that. That way you don't have something like Abyss Rising cards, followed by Arabian Nights, followed by Breakers of Shadow.

  • Paul Martin commented
    September 22, 2017 21:02

    One of the sort options that would be useful is the ability to remove category sorting altogether, for stores that have their cards organized alphabetically and not by set.