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Market Price Data in CSV Export

If we could get the current market value when we do a CSV export it would prevent huge batch updates and allow us to just adjust on the excel spreedsheet then upload instead of batch updating -> export -> adjust -> import.

Skipping over any data fields with no changes, only doing a diff.

  • Guest
  • Nov 8 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • david saucier commented
    May 14, 2018 21:29

    batch update feature is fun but incomplete,  prices are always "scrap" for a day, as i need to export them in CSV after the batch update (after the milions of hours it take to update.) i need to wait a couple of hours more when i mass create (import the new prices.)

    if i could extract the market to begin with, i could save much time.

  • Lesley Winfield commented
    March 07, 2018 17:54

    Ultimately, I'm not sure why everything attached to the records isn't part of the .csv file. If you don't need a column, it's easy to delete. When we export items to a CSV just export everything attached to that item weather it be color, type, mana cost, in the case of cards, or user created items like ISBN, Genre, or even location in store if you've chosen to make that a field.