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More options in Inventory Search when comparing Buy Prices to Sell Prices

I want to add a "<>" option to the inventory search window when I'm comparing buy prices to XX% of sell prices.

I update my sell prices, and then I update my buy prices based on my sell prices. The less a card sells for the lower percentage of the sell price I buy it for.

Basically, my batch updates end up looking like this:

Sell Price > $30, Set Buy Price = XX% of Sell Price.

Some of these updates hit 6000 records and then I get told by the batch update that 75% of the records weren't changed. That's a waste of EVERYONE's server time.

What I want to do is be able to say:

Sell Price > $30 AND BuyPrice <> XX% of Sell Price

I can do this now by splitting each batch in two:

Sell Price > $30 AND BuyPrice > XX% of Sell Price
Sell Price > $30 AND BuyPrice < XX% of Sell Price

When I do this it only hits the records I need to hit and the batch update has a very low unchanged rate. But I have to run two batches where I should only really need to run one if I just had one more option in the condition list.

This seems like such a small change, but it would allow me to run fewer batches and lower my impact on the servers when I'm running batch updates.

  • Guest
  • Dec 20 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files