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Allow stores to modify the outgoing messages for automated outgoing emails

This should have been day 1 stuff. As a user of your services I should be allowed to set how my outgoing auto responses are worded and what they include.


Biggest gripe. After the buy order approval step emails going out to customers stop including any changes made to the buy order in between Products recieved and Completed. We get several emails a day of customers asking us to send them a list of all rejected and downgraded cards and the price differences. The systems has all that information and should be able to crawl that persons order and compare the first step with the last and just give a breakdown.


Would save us hours of work over the year.

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  • Jun 24 2019
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  • noel gambone commented
    December 19, 2020 07:39

    Agreed!! Editing emails is sooooo important. It would remove the need to explain a not so confusing situation to nearly 3 confused customers a day. Crystal Commerce why did you act like this is a new thing to look into when this was suggested 1.5 years ago?

  • Lesley Winfield commented
    July 26, 2019 17:49

    I was literally just thinking this the other day.