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Make Category names different sizes in the category bar on the inventory page

I feel like it would be easier and faster to scroll through and find the specific category you're looking for if you don't want to use the search function if they were different sizes or bold. So.. for example. Magic Singles could be bold and all the subcategories could be regular type.

Why? I often have to search all magic singles. However, if I search Magic singles and check it as a category, it doesn't give me all the magic singles options. (i.e. card type, color, rarity, etc.) First, I have to select a sub category, then check magic singles as well, THEN uncheck the sub category and the options stay and I can search magic singles based on options. This requires you to scroll through your long list of categories, find a subcategory close to the main category, click, click, click, and then search. 

Bolding he main categories would make this easier. OR fix it so that all the options show up when you check Magic Singles as well..... 

  • Lesley Winfield
  • Sep 7 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files