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Importing new products

When importing products that have a long product and brand name and multiple variants of the product, it is sometimes difficult to tell which product is which on the search results list as the product name is cut off.  It would be nice to either be able to stretch the name fields out to see the entire product name, or have a mouseover function that pops the entire name up as you mouse over each item.    In fact, the search results page only takes up half the screen anyway at  1920 X 1080, which is standard computer resolution, so it could just be a wider column permanently.

This applies more to things like card sleeves with lengthy names, D&D figures, and similar items rather than singles (Another solution would be to put the variant in the name first rather than the product, product family, and brand name, but that seems like a lot of work)

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  • Oct 22 2019
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